
Measures are the basic building block of any analytical query. Almost every visualization (with very few exceptions) requires at least one measure for it to be useful for decision making. Measures represent quantitative data (which is usually numeric) as opposed to member elements, which are categorical.

The Measure Tree facilitates a range of clever capabilities and features to ensure the process of accessing and deploying measures is both efficient and easy while rich with functionality, mathematical dexterity and completeness - regardless of where the underlying data model is sourced.

  • Click here for details on how to use measures from the measure tree to build queries.

Measure Tree Features

The data model's measures are exposed in the Measures Tree, where they are generally grouped into display folders. as shown below.

Other Views

Click the Views mini menu to view the measures in a tree view (as above), a flat scrollable list (as below), rather than in the an optimized view.

Measure Group Filter

Use the measure groups menu to open all the measure groups in the data model and use it filter the measure (and hierarchy list).

Create Calculation

Click the Create Calculation drop down to open the Custom Member editor or the KPI editor.

Show Formulations

Toggle the Formulations icon to show or hide custom formulations. By default, formulations are displayed in a tree format; click the drop down to switch to a flat list view.


Click to the deselect button (green arrow below) to deselect all currently selected measures.


Click the refresh button (blue arrow above) to refresh the metadata for the current model custom measure calculations. This action does not refresh metadata for the model measures; to refresh model metadata use the Refresh Metadata function.


Click the search button (red arrow above) to open the search bar (shown below), where you can search for measures. If custom formulas are visible the search will also return custom measure formulations matching your search string. By default, the search returns measures whose caption starts with the given string:

To search for items containing the given string, insert an asterisk * in front of the string:

Customizing Measures

Users can adjust and customize the basic properties of a measure through the Properties panel found by right-clicking on a measure in the measure tree. Custom properties "overlay" the original settings for each measure as they were designed in the original source data model. Click here for more.